A trailer for the the self help book, You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment
You Are Here: A Book Trailer Reminiscent of Guided Meditation
The trailer I’ve developed for the self help book, You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment, is an abstract take on one of the concepts author Thich Nhat Hahn explains within his book. The trailer simply describes the ideas of peace and suffering within and between people using paper and different shapes. The trailer is meant to act like a guided meditation, since this is essentially what the book is. The intentions behind this trailer is to capture the audience’s attention by making them really think about what the narrator is saying, and relating it back to what they are being presented visually. 
Conceptualization + Production Methods
To create this video, I used three methods: stop-motion, digital compositing, and rotoscoping. The idea to use digital compositing came after finding green sheets of origami paper that look just like little green screens. These methods allowed me to represent the book abstractly and in a way that best represented the book. By keeping things abstract, the video forces the viewer to find meaning for themselves, similar to what readers might find themselves doing while reading the book. You are Here is a book that presents it’s lessons simply, and that should be the same of it's trailer.
You Are Here

You Are Here

You Are Here: A book trailer reminiscent of guided meditation.
