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Responsible Forager Bag and App

This project was based on biodiversity. I targeted the problem of foods being over foraged by humans causing plants to struggle to grow back. This is taking food away from animals and insects that need it.

This lead me to design a solution to allow users to understand the impact they are causing on an environment.
The younger generation are proving to be more eco conscious and sustainable, so I wanted to design my product to be aimed at the younger generation. I looked at a current trend at the time which was clear accessories, this worked hand in hand with my aim as the user would be able to see the produce they are picking through the clear material. This lead me to design a clear bag made from Meliflex, a more sustainable replacement for PVC.

I incorporated a scale into the product so that the user can know how much they are picking in weight. Often users pick until their container is full and do not actually weigh how much they are taking away. Knowing in weight how much they are taking can help them to understand their impact. This scale would also link to an app which will track the amount that has been picked from a particular area and take this back to data collation to show how well an area is producing produce.

The user will be able to see on the app which areas are flourishing and which areas should be left alone to replenish. The user can use the app to select an area they are picking from. They can then sync their scale to the app to see how much they have picked. This can then be logged through the app and added to the data that will contribute to whether the area is safe to pick in or not.

There is a red, amber, green system in place to show users whether a place is struggling (red), average (amber) or thriving (green). This shows people that a red area is struggling and should be left alone to replenish and that a green area is safe to pick from.
The bag and scale use a florescent green to accent the clear body as green is a colour associated with sustainability and is a positive colour. 

The bag has a cut off section to store the scale when not in use so it does not get mixed in with the product and get dirty. The Meliflex can be wiped clean with a cloth to keep the product clean. The transparency of the bag allows the user to see clearly how much they have picked. The scale works like a travel scale, the user can attach the scale to the bag using the fastening pop buttons on the handle and let the bag hang under to weigh the contents.
Responsible Forager Bag and App

Responsible Forager Bag and App

A product and app designed to make a user understand the impact they are causing on an environment better when foraging.
