<Being Human>

We,human, are group animals. Since the ancient time, we would get together for some commemorative and momentous events——festivals, disaster, ritual,wars……in these occasions people immersed in the atmosphere and their inner states are shown by their behaviors but also their outfits. I enjoy standing in the crowd and being a spectator of these occasions to observe the strangers and try to have empathy and understanding. It is my personal habit and predilection to draw people——I enjoy catching the facial expression. So in these pictures, though the people are illustrated in a rough style, I still kept the facial details.

One Green Spring Day

Under the Dreaming Light

A Chilling Free Day

Public in the Sun

In this series of illustration, I depict three joyful and entertaining scene :the feeling of knowing these people are happy makes me feel happy too. I drew with gouache, color pencils, pastel, and pencil, and I use them in a flexible way and combination to put myself in a comfortable and relaxing state too, in this case, I hope I could remind my audiences their good memories and sentiment of those events. Though I depict delight occasions in all three drawings I would illustrate some events and parades of other emotions when I continue on this series.
Being Human