Tetiana Kornieieva's profile

Visual style of exhibition about climate changes

Climate Art Labs are an interdisciplinary collaboration of artists and scientists, combining art practices with climate science and activism in Ukraine. The experimental laboratory brought together 16 participants who worked at the intersection of various disciplines and practices combining art and climate change. The project was organized in partnership with the non-governmental organizations Ekoltava and ITTA and supported by Culture Bridges Programme.

Idea: One of the participants in the project was Svitlana Krakovska, who was the representative of Ukraine in the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC). Svitlana makes predictions for our country, and also was on an expedition to the Ukrainian Antarctic Akademik Vernadsky station. She showed us climate maps, which were actual 50 years ago and now. I was so impressed how they changes and decided to use these maps in my design. In my work, I also decided to use the image of a penguin, which is often used in advertising to denote global warming. 

Soft: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illusrtator

Result: The exhibition took place in Chernivtsi and Kyiv. The project was presented at the climate forum in London, as well as in the framework of the Art Wednesday at the Izolyatsia Foundation.
Visual style of exhibition about climate changes


Visual style of exhibition about climate changes
