like a compass
revealing only
north and south and
unable to conceive
another course
destiny's railings
dissuade me from
forwards I run
backwards I fall 
traversing a lengthy footbridge
that extends beyond years
my path is chosen
as a child wandering
through fields luxuriant 
possibilities endless
flourished like wildflowers
born near-sighted 
white fences benign 
ever bounding the 
outskirts of creativity
unseen before the testing
now walking through forests
curious trails curve
guiding forces repel and propel
marking the route while
magnet pulls so strongly
past the trees I go
never climbing
winding through meadows 
and fields overgrown 
scenery changes but the
way is still known
once finding myself
underneath a bridge
thinking I'd escaped
but fenced around again
fate reigned me in
pausing a moment
water catches my eye
in the distant reflection
memory flashes forward
to where I've been going
arriving at once at trails end
realizing the destination
still lies beyond the river
Destiny's Railings

Destiny's Railings

forwards I run backwards I fall lengthy footbridge extends beyond years


Creative Fields