
The Power to Protect is a multi-channel, bilingual vaccine awareness campaign developed by Brunet-García for the Florida Department of Health. The campaign aims to alleviate fear and inspire positive action among parents, women of childbearing age, and healthcare providers by arming them with the facts about vaccines.

The Florida Department of Health tasked us with developing a statewide immunization campaign, consisting of media, advertising, campaign website, brand and style guide, and collateral. Our objective was to boost awareness of the importance of vaccinations and increase the vaccination rates across three specific groups: pregnant women (flu and Tdap), children under two years of age (all childhood vaccines including Hep B at birth), and teens (HPV).
Traditionally, stories and media promoting vaccines use visuals such as needles, stark clinical settings, vaccine vials, and crying babies to gain attention. Our approach was different, using emotion to illustrate just what is at stake and empowering parents and healthcare providers with science-based information to combat misinformation.​​​​​​​
The Creative Idea

In the eye-catching design, striking portraits of mothers, children, and babies are broken into mosaic tiles, representing the many elements that make people unique, inside and out. Some tiles are replaced with magnified images of vaccine-preventable diseases, illustrating the vulnerability of those we seek to protect.

Juxtaposed next to these powerful visuals is a bold message that counters that vulnerability by positioning vaccines as the underlying power that keeps us healthy not only as individuals and families but as a collective community and state.

The campaign website and collateral support this message with the #VaxFacts, which serve to counter misinformation designed to frighten with science-based information from trusted sources that empowers parents and healthcare providers to make informed decisions about administering vaccines.
We used multiple Adobe products to execute the various components of this campaign. For the image selection process, we used Adobe Bridge to refine and make photo selects. The photos were edited and retouched in Photoshop, and we used Indesign to lay out the print materials. The website was designed in Adobe XD, and our animated digital advertisements were created in Adobe Animate.

The Results

As outbreaks of diseases once thought nearly eradicated continue to make headlines, it is now more important than ever to spread the message that vaccines are safe, effective, and essential to public health. The Power to Protect has succeeded in these efforts by empowering parents and healthcare providers with science-based facts about vaccines and the diseases they prevent.

The campaign proved immensely effective on all counts. Digital ads and display banners have garnered over 20 million impressions, accounting for 90% of website traffic. Videos on YouTube have been viewed more than 425,000 times with a 25% view rate, generating 13,172 clicks to the campaign website. The combined OTT video completion rate is 97% with Hulu videos, boasting a 100% completion rate.

A significant portion of website traffic (29%) has been to the Spanish-language landing page, indicating that a considerable number of non-English speakers now have access to data and information they may not have been exposed to before.

These positive results bode well, ensuring that Florida’s future is protected against preventable diseases.
The Power to Protect