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13 movies to watch this Halloween

13 movies to watch this Halloween
Stoutonia Vol. 102, No. 4 (October 20, 2011)
It’s that time of year again when the ghouls, goblins and silly kids in costumes come out to play. That’s right- it’s Halloween! I’ll bet you are all in the mood to get scared and creeped out by the everlasting list of horror films in our midst.
The following is a list of films I deem worthy to watch this frightful season. Don’t worry if scary movies aren’t your thing; this list of mine is not a complete scare-fest. We are all people of different tastes, so this list has a range of creepiness. Enjoy, my freaky darlings, for the time of scary, creepy and gory is upon us! The list contains a synopsis of the film, a personal review and a rating based on how creepy it is. View at your own risk.
Creepiness level legend:
*Not scary or creepy (and most likely a comedy)
**Enough creepy moments for it to be called a horror film
***Might make you squirm or jump a few times, and there’s a chance of some WTF moments
****Super creepy and/or gory. Possibly resulting in the need to hide behind objects (hands, pillows, blankets, other people) while watching it
The Craft **
A group of high school girls rumored to be witches work to complete their coven. Throughout the movie, the coven pursues witchcraft for personal gain, which proves to be more dangerous than any of them ever believed.
Review: Even though this film does not depict witches in a positive or accurate light, it is still amusing to watch. The second half of “The Craft” provides just enough horror for it to make my list; you have Fairuza Balk to thank, as she does a wonderful job portraying the psychotic Nancy Downs.
Ginger Snaps ***
Two teenage sisters obsessed with death fall victim to your typical lycanthrope attack. Critically acclaimed for its use of lycanthropy (werewolfism) as a metaphor for puberty, this film is easily a cult classic for werewolf fans.
Review: I just had to include a werewolf film in the mix, especially one that people have not seen before. Yes, it is the same, overused plot present in most werewolf films, but this is the only one that I can think of where the victims are girls. I’m also a fan of the fact that it’s not a blown-out blockbuster with overused special effects. Ladies, after watching this quirky, low-budget indie film, you’ll never think of “that time of the month” in the same way again.
The Lost Boys **
This movie’s tagline says it all: “Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire.”
Review: Ahhh, the 80s was a great decade. Fans of the 80s should include this film in their collection. While it may not be extremely gory or scary, “The Lost Boys” has just enough cheesy vampire film mixed with a few horror scenes to be one of my favorites for Halloween.
The Scream series ***
What’s your favorite scary movie? “Scream” revived horror films with the help of established and recognizable actors like Courteney Cox, David Arquette and Neve Campbell and remains the highest-grossing slasher film in the world. By combining a traditional slasher film with humor and the characters’ awareness of horror film clichés, the Scream series will make you laugh; it will make you jump; it will make you particularly cautious when entering rooms or walking around corners in the dark.
Review: Jamie Kennedy is too funny as the all-knowing horror nerd who informs the characters in time of need. Personally, I don’t think this movie is that scary, but it will make you jump when Ghostface shows up in unexpected places. The ending will also provide the perfect WTF moment – a revelation you may or may not have expected. I’ve really only seen the first film of the series, but the rest are definitely on my list of movies to watch.
Sleepy Hollow **
Another Tim Burton wonder graces my list because, let’s face it: Tim Burton is the Prince of the Dark and Quirky, which are both ideal traits for Halloween. In Burton’s loosely adapted version of this American tale, Johnny Depp takes on the role of the outlandish Ichabod Crane, a police constable in this rendition instead of a local schoolteacher. Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate recent murders – murders by decapitation. Crane comes to terms with the supernatural elements he’s so skeptical about and looks to seek revenge against the Headless Horseman, whom we all know as the cause of the town’s numerable deaths.
Review: Personally, I have not seen a Johnny Depp film I didn’t like, or a Tim Burton film for that matter. While at times this movie may seem slow, you have to understand that the story itself is, in fact, a little slow. However, the freaky moments and plot twists make this adaptation enjoyable to watch. The monochromatic effect in which the film was shot, along with smoke and soft lighting, add the eerie ambiance, add splashes of bright color (blood, obviously) and you’ve got the Tim Burton portayal of Sleepy Hollow.
After.Life ***
How would you react to waking up on a coroner’s table in a morgue? A middle school teacher gets into a car accident after a fight with her boyfriend and winds up in exactly that position. Dazed, confused and unable to move, she learns she has died and the morgue director is there to clean her up, help her cross over and accept her death. Through failed escapes and questionable scenes, the film poses the ultimate question to its audience: is the teacher really dead? You’ll have to watch and decide for yourself.
Review: I just recently stumbled upon this movie, and I am so glad I did. Not only are there three very talented actors in this film (Liam Neeson, Christina Ricci and Justin Long), but it really makes the viewer think. Not only will you have to pay close attention to the smallest of details in this film to decipher whether Anna is truly dead or not, the ideas that Eliot brings up to Anna about life will have you examining your own in ways you probably never thought about. In short, this unknown film is worth watching at any time of year.
Beetlejuice *
Hocus Pocus *
Shaun of the Dead *
Se7en ***
Silence of the Lambs  ****
The Saw series ****
30 Days of Night ****
Classic horror film honorable mention
The Exorcist (1973)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Shining (1980)
American Werewolf in London (1981)
Halloween (1978), (2007)
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), (2010)
Friday the 13th (1980), (2009)
Amityville Horror (1979), (2005)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), (2003)
What it looked like in print:
13 movies to watch this Halloween

13 movies to watch this Halloween

Article written for the Entertainment section of the Stoutonia, University of Wisconsin-Stout's student newspaper, that came out October 20, 2011 Read More
