RED ARCHITECTURE: Recuerdos de mi Pueblo
This building has a distinctive architecture that compare to the ones around it, it gives a feeling of superiority.
 I thought this place captures the essential ideology of a small town in mexico with the complexity of having a well known architectural style.
Nonetheless, the motifs are very large compare to the structure which makes this very attractive and the focal point; Having said that, this creates an illusion of being a big building, when it's not the case. See this building is not large on the contrary but the facade having the motifs with the painting style, red with white lines around it, creates this illusion. 
I think this is a great use of detail around the windows and the use of paint that creates a magnificent building full of history and that will forever represents a part of the town.
near Iglesia de la Merced
PHOTO TAKEN BY: Catalina Hernandez
Red Architecture

Red Architecture

This building have a distinctive architecture that compare to the ones around it, it gives a feeling of superiority. I thought this place capture Read More
