Location: Kiev region Settlement Interfluve.
Type: Private house
Area: 118 sq.m.
Status: Implementation of 2019
Author: Sushko Evgeny

The house in a modern style is located in the settlement Khotyanovka in the Kiev region. It is designed for a family of three people, with an option to host up to ten guests.
The lot is situated at the top end of the man-made canal, which joins river Desna. The house is circled by the road on both sides. On the south-western side, there is another property close by with a two-storey building on it. 
The eastern side of the property comes out to the water. The client wanted to really isolate the private zone of the house and the property, and therefore wanted it to face the water. In such manner were determined the main architectural and planning decisions.

BW#2 house