This beautiful red dog was tied up on our apartment's front steps on the night of September 11, 2017 in Tulelake, California. I heard a dog crying, it sounded like someone was hurting him really bad, I didn't get out in time to see what was happening or to catch anyone. He had a rope around his neck tied to our apartment's railing that was tied like a rough hanging noose, it would get tighter if the dog moved or if we tried untying it. We did finally get it untied from the railing, which allowed the dog to breath better and move around but still couldn't get the knot undone from his neck. We called the police and the police officer that came had to cut the rope because there was no way to untie it without strangling the poor dog. The police officer said he knew the owner but later on I found out the poor dog went to the Klamath Animal Shelter, in Klamath Falls, Oregon. If I was living in a house, I would have adopted him on the spot, he was very gentle even though he was scared and was good with cats. I hope he either got back with his real family or was adopted, not put down like the usual thing here. 

Animal Abuse is a disgusting thing. People that do these things are truly soulless monsters. Animal abuser have a special place in hell waiting for them. 
Poor Red Dog

Poor Red Dog

Poor Red Dog that was tied with a noose at our front-steps.
