The Forge / audiovisual

The pieces of sound was firstly imagined visually - as a physical entities, part of a landscape - and the sound composition inherit that physical causal-relation between its parts. It is a story from the formation of the proto-solar system; the way matter clings one to another to form crystal-like structures, different sizes of matter passing one another, depositing over time gently or hitting one another with great power and scatter in the vast space. At the end - a newborn proto-planet is at sight.

The visuals are another layer - not directly correlated to the initial synesthesia. For them I was inspired by the structures found in the iron-nickel meteorites - such as the "Widmannstaetten patterns"; But also from minimalists such as Kazimir Malevich. I wanted to get the feeling of a "painting" in more tradition way.​​​​​​​

The main set-up in Touchdesigner; The visual are real-time.

Early sketch of the sound composition; The sound was created digitally - using synths (no samples), then rendering the composition and tweaking it again with various effects and adding additional details.

Inspiration/reference; the core from iron-nickel meteorites. The formation of those structures takes 20 000 000 - 100 000 000 years of slowly cooling the material.  



The Forge

The Forge

The alchemy in metallic proto-matter
