Luis Veiga's profile

Mut Zur Wut 2019


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights made known in 1948 that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Any person deserves to live in a world, free of persecution on the grounds of race, color, gender, language, religion, national or social roots, fortune, or any other premises.

The fact that these ideals have almost sunk into obscurity angers us, the people of “Mut Zur Wut”. We believe that anyone must have the right to freely express their opinions, to
vent their feelings of enragedness, when human rights are abused by violence, tyranny, racism, terrorism, religious fanaticism or oppression.
For God's sake! (70x100)
For the love of God! (70x100)
Vive la France! (70x100)
Mut Zur Wut 2019


Mut Zur Wut 2019

We believe that anyone must have the right to freely express their opinions, to vent their feelings of enragedness, when human rights are abused Read More
