Wayfinding System - Department of ArD

Way finding system for the Department of Architecture and Design at the American University of Beirut.
The department is in transition, so it is scattered throughout different buildings in the campus. Our idea was to unite the whole department but still portray the transition aspect of it. 
Our module is a square; when put together, forms a system of signages that helps you reach the department easily. Each combination has a different function and can be changed easily when has to. We viewed it as a small village, where you navigate through.
The whole idea is for it to be bold, playful and changeable. 
simulations of the signage system
photographs of the signs in different context
Wayfinding System - Department of ArD

Wayfinding System - Department of ArD

Way finding System for the Department of Architecture and Design at the American University of Beirut - Part of Packaging and Environmental Desig Read More
