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Spencer Hahn Graphic Design Portfolio

     For this project I took a picture of myself using photo booth. I then went into Adobe Illustrator and used the pen tool to trace my body to resemble myself. I then used the paint bucket to color in the picture I made. I also added waves to my hair with lines and wrinkles to my shirt. Probably the hardest part of the project was to perfect the Santa Cruz logo. 
I like these two pictures because of how the colors pop out and how something so simple like a garbage can. 
I really like these two pictures because of how vibrant the fire hydrant with the color red. the background also fits nicely with the fire hydrant. 
In this project I was given three picture of the artist Taylor Swift and three picture frames. I then chose what picture felt correct to me in the picture. 
For this project I was proposed an idea to make a logo for a building company. I started with a grid and then made different shapes look like skyscrapers. I made the left side more bright to make it look like the sun was shining on it. I then made the other side more darker because the sun wasn't shining on that side. 
For this project I was told to make three sea creatures. My personal favorite is the pufferfish because of the fins and the design it has. the spikes on the fish are also very cool. The right eye also looks like it is on its right making more 3D.
Spencer Hahn Graphic Design Portfolio

Spencer Hahn Graphic Design Portfolio
