Gensler are hosting a series of events around the creative future of London. The name reflects the intent of these discussions to act as a platform and opportunity to share  opinions and thoughts not typically vocalised. We developed a brand that uses expressive typography to suggest a unique dialogue with a distinct adaptable voice that moves and changes based on the topic and speaker. The typography is supported by bright fluorescent colours in print and digital applications to enhance the messages communicated.

Hosted in “Basecamp” at Gensler’s London office, the series attracts a collaborative network of forward-thinkers to spark dialogues and explore new directions. 

The events generate data that is analyzed and combined with secondary research as white papers. 

Past topics have included – The Future Of_(Retail/ Knowledge Economy/ Work) and Cities Now. Cities Next (Hacking the High Street/ Is the City Working/ A City
in Transition).
Off Base

Off Base
