Client: Kazé Bar & Kitchen
Responsibilities: Social Media Calendar, Content Strategy, Client Servicing & Production
Exhibited Product Photography is done by me on my iPhone 8+ & Canon 800D 

For Kazé, we popularised the Pan-Asian restaurant as a place that delivers an experience of its own; The Kazé Experience. The wind whispers its welcome, and the universe conspires to give you the best Pan Asian Experience, only at Kazé.
During one of the client meetings that I had, I advised the client to bring a Guest Chinese Chef for the Chinese New Year Celebrations. We in turn released a Customized Chinese Menu along with a teaser for which I handled the Production. 
#MadeInKazé #KazéFacts
A video series created with an objective to educate the audience on the flagship products of Kazé. Made in Kazé gives the customers an understanding of the magic that happens in Kazé’s kitchen. Kazé facts brings light to many of the traditional dishes and condiments from the Pan Asian kitchen. 
Story Ads with Swipe Up CTA: Story Ads highlighted and set Kazé apart from her Pan-Asian f&b competitors. The story ads had a click through rate of 0.68% according to Instagram.

Kazé Bar & Kitchen

Kazé Bar & Kitchen
