"Vida a Foc" is a photography project to portray the life inside one of the more famous celebrations in Spain, the Fallas from Valencia. Outside it is a celebration with big monuments, big noises with the Mascletà and a lot of people coming to the city to see it. Inside, it's a tradition of the Valencian people, with a lot of little symbolic moments. 

The project is made in two times. This is the first one, done with an analogic camera and black and white films with 400 ISO. The result was a photobook with a compilation of 30 photos.
This is the second one, made with a Nikon D5200, the result was another photobook with 24 photographies full color.
Vida a Foc


Vida a Foc

Photo report about Fallas, a festivity from Valencia that is an intangible heritage of humanity.
