Create a game using a restrictive manner. This game should test peoples creativity. Pushing peoples creativity isn't something that happens frequently now that everyone is looking at a screen, expecting something to look in a specific way.

Using shapes and prompts, create a game where people should draw with shapes. Creating their own version of each  prompt. This will make the user have to think creatively with the limited tools they have to use to draw their image.
Prompt Cards
On the prompt cards their is 4 important things:
The category, which helps the people guessing; The prompt, which the player drawing creates their image from; A time limit, each prompt has a different time limit to make certain prompts harder than others; And a recommended shape number, For every shape less than the number on the prompt, they will get extra points. So if you restrict yourself, you are rewarded for it.
User Journey
A demonstration on what you might do during the game. Pick up a card, create the given prompt, meanwhile others are trying to guess what is being made with the tiles.
This is the packaging. It keeps the familiar logo, and the shape pattern that is displayed on the cards. 
The identity should have some sort of moving image which could be displayed in parts like social media. Something simple like this uses the identity in a different way.
To create the packaging I created a Typeface which was inspired by the logo. It was made with a grid, 3 tall. I also made the numbers, to make sure they were different, i made the numbers of a 4 high grid.
Shape Shift

Shape Shift

With limited shapes, test your creativity as the Shape Shifter. Over 200 prompts mean that no game is the same.
