Li Yu's profile

Broken Mirror Tarot

0.The Fool
You come to the first window, it says: Wandering
You look up, a traveller is walking
Where is he going?
You asked him if he was going to the sun?
He told you that he is going to the republic.
You don’t understand.
You ask him how he lives without a guide.
He laughs at you as you worried too much as his old dog.
He says
There will always be a way,
It’s not in front of you,
It’s under your feet.
You think his travel is too blind,
He thinks you are too timid.
1.The Magician
You came to the second window, which reads: Create

You see a young magician who is communicating with the world.
The wand in his hand exudes a dazzling light
That is his boundless mana.
He told you that there was nothing.
But he can create anything
The way he passes by, trees will grow
Flowers will bloom
The water in his holy grail become rivers
And one day, they will gather into the sea
You ask again if he can really create everything?
He confidently confirmed
You look beyond
The giant tower is under construction
He said that is his wisdom
He taught people
Giving them the same gift

Broken Mirror Tarot

Broken Mirror Tarot
