Augmented visualisation of nature
through code

Generative design
Creative coding
2D and 3D Animation
Augmented reality

This project aimed to explore the different aspects of augmented visualization using basic algorithms for creating generative images of natural phenomena. The process of visualization is based on understanding, simulating and applying algorithms from our physical world into the artificial space that we create through code. Therefore, I started with the exploration of the natural behavior of water and tried to describe it in mathematical terms for the subsequent creation of static and dynamic content. Dynamic content is presented as animated movies exported from Processing sketches. Although the particular aesthetic solutions vary from one image to another, they all convey the same idea: the simultaneous appearance of a static and dynamic image within the same frame. 

The pages in this publication have animated content. To experience it, use the “Artivive” app. This individual project was conceived and produced at the Basel School of Design HGK FHNW, mentored by Ted Davis.
