PRINT ROOM is a permanent gallery in DECK for photographers to showcase their artwork, and an essential place for arts collectors to discover photographic artworks in Southeast Asia. 

Each quarterly showcase is curated based on theme and distinctive artistic creation. The first of the quarterly showcases, COLLECT, features Hanging Heavy On My Eyes by Ang Song Nian, With Nature and a Camera by Robert Zhao Renhui, and Ways To Tie Trees by Woong Soak Teng.

We helped devise an identity for the bookshop/gallery space, spanning from logo, exhibition design to consultation on visitor's experience and walk flow. 

Print Room Display. A bespoke typeface, Print Room Display, was designed to help establish the bookshop/gallery as a dedicated space separate from DECK’s exisiting branding.

The existing steel beams in the gallery spaces are cladded with wood to help blend the divide between the bookshop and gallery. It helps soften the coldness and encourages visitors to take pictures of the space.

A Programming signage has been proposed and implemented so that visitors can know what's exhibitions, talks or events is on-going at a glance.

DECK Print Room

DECK Print Room


Creative Fields