Growing up in South Carolina, I was often outcasted by my non–Asian peers for being raised in a Buddhist family. Seeing nothing but Christian iconography in my life, I illustrated my own images that pertained to my identity as a way to bring out niche depictions only understood by people raised in Southeast Asian communities. Though I don't see myself as a devout Buddhist, burning incense in order to talk to my grandparents comforted my insecurities of being an immigrant far away from any relatives.

This collection was printed on a VASTEX six station press with International Coatings plastisol ink. This specific release used a speciality puffing additive that allows the ink to raise off the garment a little bit, creating a pillow–like texture.

• All graphics are drawn by hand then vectorized through Adobe Illustrator
• Photographs were taken with a Canon Rebel 550D with Tamron 75mm lens then edited through Lightroom
• Shirts are sold at


Growing up in South Carolina, I was often outcasted by my non–Asian peers for being raised in a Buddhist family. Seeing nothing but Christian ico Read More
