S Jones's profile

Website development and implementation

Branding / Logotype
E-commerce lifestyle website
Responsive design 
Collaboration with Cosmos design
Liberty Asia approached us to develop an online and downloadable 5 section modular education curriculum. This included downloadable info sheets, a visually appealing look and feel for both student and teacher, section identities,  interactive 5 module PDF, teachers notes section, multi media uploads.
The educational curriculum modules are designed for schools to highlight the issue of modern day slavery (English with Chinese being developed).

The Slavery Awarenes curriculum – online – in five modules 
Versions also with film and linked content 
The Slavery Awarenes curriculum – Interactive PDF in five modules (downloadable) 
Versions also with film and link content – provided on USB
One of the many downloadable PDF's for awareness campaigns and school material
As the NGO developed further into areas where slavery is more widespread, we were commssioned to develop the site and maintain the content for the x4 addtional Asian languages: Chinese, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese.
Khmer front page (Cambodian)
Chinese front page
Network forum for promotiing awarenes and action – identity in x4 languages
Section highlighting the victims and types of slavery –  Real Stories – identity in x4 languages
Thai front page
Vietnamese section
Liberty Asia's – incorporates a hotline, online network for other anti-slavery organisations in Asia and elsewhere to focus their anti-slavery activity. The site is in 5 languages, Chinese, English, Khmer, Thai and Vietnamese. 
Artists directory
News and links section with search criteria, links to the web for the latest news on slavery and its prevention
Asia LIterary Review: Website, publishing, branding
Asia Literary Review commissioned us to cover a number of criteria, from producing their quarterly printed journal, the brand revitalisation, ebooks. In this case, revitalise the website to incorporate a number of fromats and features, number one to make the naviagtion simpler and more intelligent for the user. The user experience for the website design and development, to be launched spring 2013.
Elements incorporated: CMS, e-shop, audio, video, image galleries, central navigation column - secondary to main navigation column, rolling slideshow on front page, internal blog, sign in, subscription levels, current issue, twitter feeds, rolling popularity navigation, issue archive, contributor bio, listing - by country and issue, site search
Front page with  magazine ssue content highlight, looping slides, most popular (usage linked), socail media links, media highlights (video, audio, photos), magazine issue sliding bar
Book reviews, with secondary naviagtion for highlighted and most viewed with the review category
Contributors directory, searach by country or author
Interview highlights with social media referral
Online Magazine issue – content list
Blog highlights
Media section – audio, film, photography, with secondary navigation within the general mdia section or a specific category such as film.
Subscription plans
Web Exclusive sections - snippets and quick links
Happy Together Photography 
Landing page
Gallery section
Contact fields
Website development and implementation

Website development and implementation

Development of sites that are designed for the user to navigate simply across a range of media formats (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc). Intel Read More
