Sara Estragués's profileMarc Robles Calafell's profile

Tote | Finalist project at Premios Habitacola 2019

HABITÁCOLA AWARDS - competition aimed at students with the aim of disseminating the importance of creativity, social commitment and professional rigor among organizations and the population in general, supporting and promoting new initiatives, new approaches and new emerging talents.

This edition presents a reflection on furniture for public and common use, which has too often been left in the hands of industrial production and typologies that are not very innovative, flexible or sustainable, such as street vendors. These are elements that are increasingly located in an ephemeral or stable manner in urban public space, and that determine the quality and form of use.

Marc Robles (interior designer)
Sara Molina​​​​​​​ (graphic designer)

ESDAP Catalunya Campus Vic students

XXXI Premios Habitácola - Arquin Fad
The contribution of Tote is to innovate in the system of assembly and disassembly of a street market, minimizing to the maximum the physical effort of the street vendor, applying graphic design and using sustainable materials. One of the solid objectives of this project has been to create a space away from conventional space.
Everything is a square!


PremisFAD 2019_Fad 2019 Awards Ceremony
D-HUB_(Museu del disseny de Barcelona)
Exposición_El millor disseny de l'any
Tote | Finalist project at Premios Habitacola 2019

Tote | Finalist project at Premios Habitacola 2019

Tote is to innovate in the system of assembly and disassembly of a street market, minimizing to the maximum the physical effort of the street ven Read More
