Carlos DaLomba's profile

Grid-Based Prototype

Grid-Based Prototype
This prototype explores a game world taking place on a grid, that is evaluated in fixed time intervals (generally known as ticks). Shoot down the red enemies entering through the portals before they damage you!

The prototype sticks to basic abstract shapes, without defining a concrete game feel. Instead, more attention was given to the duality of the grid-time systems, as well as the objects that move based on it (the player and projectiles, for example). The game features 3 different kinds of projectiles that the player can shoot -- a basic blue icosphere (ball) that shoots straight ahead, a spinning top star that has a meandering path, and a special blast of 3 stars that shoot in a cone in front!

The exciting thing about this prototype, is that it has many potential directions of where it can be taken! I will be testing out how making a small roguelike game will turn out, using this prototype as its basis!
Grid-Based Prototype

Grid-Based Prototype
