Full brand identity, brand guidelines & digital product
with interactive, front-end dashboard

Fryshuset is often referred to as the largest youth centre in the world – but it is actually much more than that. Based in Sweden, Fryshuset was founded in 1984 as a result of joint efforts by the YMCA of Stockholm and other local charities. Fryshuset required a new brand, guidelines and internal portal (hidden behind a log in screen) for their staff to store content and outline training programmes. The brand identity needed to be light, fun and creative, while emphasising their inclusive tone of voice. The digital product was built with a custom CMS that enabled Fryshuset staff to add, log, record and share their individual training programmes from a custom front-end uploader. ORCA worked closely with the leading project directors and stakeholders to establish a brand and a digital image which would portray the key values of the organisation and allow for its future plans to globalise the product.



Major overhaul of the Fryshuset youth centre, with custom illustration, pattern, and web design elements.
