Michael Kirki's profile

Street Art Festival In Matera, Italy

Project : Street Art Festival held in iconic location Matera, design logo, flyers, posters and a viral application to communicate the event. Also try to have a minor impact on the local environment.

As I could not visit the amazing town of  Matera myself, I had to use a basic google search to understand the visual impact this town has on a visitor. In most of the photos the most recognizable feature of this mass of stone houses is the skyline, and the bell tower of San Giovanni Batista church. So this skyline was the key for me to start designing for this fictional festival.
With this logo I wanted to unite the wild creativity usually found in street performer acts and the seemingly serious and ordinary "nature" of the environment in which street artists perform. I wanted to think of street artists as splashes of creativity and expression inside the serious and functional formality that is a street sign. Who knows maybe one day societies will start warning its members with signs about when they are in danger of encountering a street artist.
A basic element in the communication campaign would be this pocket size mini-map, that would help the visitors navigate the towns center streets and locate a particular street artist and follow their act. The artists would be performing in set streets of the town, and are ordered in a way that visitors can choose to pass through all the acts in a circle pattern. If they desire they can skip acts by walking off the main roads and pass through the innumerable smaller passageways . This is a way of creating circulation through the towns shops and tourist attractions. 
Street Art Festival In Matera, Italy

Street Art Festival In Matera, Italy

Fictional Street Art Festival in Matera


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