|  Freshness
Silkscreen | 8.5" x 24" | edition of 7

The meaning of the Chinese character in this print is freshness. It means a state between life and death. As a compound word, it consists of three identical characters of fish in Chinese. In this print, I want to depict its meaning by showing an undersea world of fresh fish that struggles to swim to the surface of water.

Vase on Red
Silkscreen | 16" x 22" | edition of 4

Skilled printers may understand that this is not an easy print to make. To print such a large block of color evenly, it requires a good amount of strength and focus. The delicate vase in the center is another skilled test. I exaggerated the proportions to show the beauty of the splendid red and the delicacy of the little vase.

Cats Need Baths
Silkscreen | 11" x 17" | edition of 8

The idea of this print comes from a conversation in class about whether cats need to be washed. I bathe my cats regularly, usually once every three months. My friends from other backgrounds feel surprised about it. They suggest not to bathe cats. This interesting finding on habits of people from different backgrounds captured my attention so I made this print to show my voice.

Thanks for watching.


