Irene Baraldi's profileChiara Resnati's profile

Coding with p5.js - Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is a web experience built on p5.js with the aim of exploring the tolls and symptoms of heroin addiction.
Cold Turkey was developed as a part of the Creative Coding course at Politecnico di Milano.
Project Idea 
We chose not to explicitly show drug use in our project; instead, we employ one central metaphor, that of depth and altitude. In this experience, the player avatar's altitude level represents the emotional reaction to drug use: the high obtained from consumption is represented by high altitudes, while the pits of abstinence are represented by the lowest depths.
As the experience progresses, the player will find it harder and harder to reach the same high, simulating addiction, and eventually more information about the symptoms of consumption will become available, providing an option to break the cycle and reach balance once again.
Multiple tiling windows
Vertical scrolling with culling
Animated waves and splash
Kaleidoscope effect
Post-processing and blending modes
Cold Turkey was developed by:
Irene Baraldi
Guglielmo D'Anna
Lorenzo Drago
Chiara Resnati
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Coding with p5.js - Cold Turkey

Coding with p5.js - Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is a web experience built on p5.js with the aim of exploring the tolls and symptoms of heroin addiction. Cold Turkey was developed as Read More
