Aqui una ilustracion que pude hacer una amiga, mi amiga no esta tatuada ni tiene ningunos de los pierciengs ni cortes de cabello radicales, y a diferencia del fondo que expresa violencia ella es todo lo contrario, me diverti mucho llevandola a un cotexto completamente diferente a lo que es ella. Realizado con acuarelas, marcadores y tintas sobre papel para acuarelas de 11"x14".

Here's an illustration I was able to made of a friend of mine, she doesnt have any tattoo, nor any of the pierciengs or haircut, and she actually represents the oposite of what you can read on the background wich are a bunch of bad words and feelings, had a taking this one to another context. Made with markers, watercolors, and inks on a 11"x14" waterpad.