Clash of Giants – Interactive Climbing Wall

Game Design
Clash of the Giants
A union between the physical and digital world with an incredible interactive climbing wall six meters high. Participants in pairs could choose their dueling robot and game setting with six different options of characters and set designs: energy, fire, ice, stone, metal and forest. 

During the climb players would get real time feedback on how many meters of height and points. 
The game Clash of Giants debut was in Shopping Curitiba and later it was part of Telecine’s arena in CCXP.

Uma união entre os mundos físico e digital com uma incrível parede de escalada interativa de seis metros de altura. Os participantes em duplas podiam escolher seu robô de duelo e cenário de jogo com seis opções diferentes de personagens e cenografias: energia, fogo, gelo, pedra, metal e floresta.

Durante a subida, os jogadores recebiam feedback em tempo real sobre quantos metros de altura e pontos.
A estreia do jogo Clash of Giants foi no Shopping Curitiba e depois fez parte da arena do Telecine na CCXP 2019.



Client: Shopping Curitiba

Executive Production: Chroma Garden

Creative and Technical Direction: Ronam Bonfim
Technical Production: Ricardo Signorini and Shawendy Ceschin

Automation: Fabiano Castro

3D Art: André Bales and Aureo de La Cruz
Character Animation: André Bales
Game Design: Aline Kubrak, André Bales, Fernando Salmon and Ronam Bonfim
Programming: Fernando Salmon
Design: Nicholas Pierre and Ronam Bonfim
Project Management: Aline Kubrak

Commercial Direction: Shawendy Ceschin

Equipments: Big Apple
Scenography: Views Produções Artísticas

Curitiba and São Paulo — Brazil
Clash of Giants – Interactive Climbing Wall