L o g o    D e s i g n
The first idea of the design was in 2013 and it was only the word funky in English with colorful colors ​​​​and a unique font.
Working on branding, the name was changed to Funky in English and Funky Arabic because of the content and the audience we are working to.

And then we start using the logo in a circular way to improve our brand and make it easy to recognize.
S o   w h a t   i s   F u n k y ?
A Creative design and print concept brand that provides comprehensive print design, print services and large format output or variety of clients and applications.
O u r   P r o d u c t s
We started with only hoodies and sweat shirts but we developed our design to include a lot of things : mugs , plates , planners , frames ... etc
T h e   T a g   C a r d s
After a brainstorming i decided that our tag cards should have the colors of the brand and as you can see our  Progress through the years in the tag cards part.
                  Before                                                                               After
S o c i a l   C o n t e n t 
To support the whole aesthetic of the brand , i decided to create content in a very simple style with our colorful colors , simple textures
And as you can see  it is quite easy to combine different pictures to
get fresh and simple feed.

T H A N K   Y O U
Funky Prints

Funky Prints

Branding for a concept brand that provides comprehensive print design, print services and large format output or variety of clients and applicati Read More
