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Mini Cash Book 迷你記帳本

Mini Cash Book 迷你記帳本
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This sassy cash book is full of wonderful watercolour illustrations of little corners in life. Its handy size fits all bags, making it easier for users to track personal cash flows. There are two cover options for the product. The cover of the “Before Travelling” version has a light yellow frame enclosing a picture overflowing with the excitement of traveling, while the “Afternoon Tea” version renders a serene home corner that depicts a tranquil afternoon at home.

【 Before Traveling 旅行之前 】的封面是鵝黃色系,封面繪畫傳達出遠遊前心情洋溢的場景;
 【 Afternoon Tea 午茶時光 】則是午後的家庭景緻,在粉紅色調中,帶出下午茶時光的悠閒。

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The coil wire binding allows the cash book to lay flat when open,  
providing more comfort and convenience when making entries.
The yearly, monthly, weekly design gives users a clear organising structure.
The illustrated separator pages are catchy and relevant for note taking.

Without specific dates, this cash book can be used at any time instead of 
being constrained by a particular year.


Travel Tags 旅行吊牌
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Following the same illustrative style of the cash books, the travel tags for both covers can also be used as ordinary hanging decorations. The card within allows users to note personal information. The size of the tags also fit most international travel cards, 
therefore serves as a card holder as well.

延續 Before Traveling 旅行之前 】&【 Afternoon Tea 午茶時光 】的插畫風格,

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For more information on illustrative products from Dimanche 了解更多Dimanche 插畫商品:www.dimanche.com.tw

客戶 | 智藝國際有限公司 Dessin International Ltd (Dimanche)


Mini Cash Book 迷你記帳本

Mini Cash Book 迷你記帳本

Mini Cash Book & Travel Tag Design 迷你記帳本與旅行吊牌設計
