
If the trees could talk, they would be voiceless
The lungs of our planet are being suffocated. Why doesn't anyone dare to say something?
Animals aren't seeking asylum, they are getting extinguished
The lungs of our planet are being suffocated. Why does anyone dare to say something?
The 6th largest natural reserve on the planet and UNESCO's World Heritage place is being devastated. We don't understand the silence.
If these are the lungs of the planet, we are in the metastasis stage
They are leaving the Natural UNESCO Heritage of Humanity with no life. Why is no one acting?
In Venezuela we are very concerned about what is happening in our Mining Arc in the Edo. Bolívar, a World Heritage Area of unesco Currently, illegal mining movements made up of terrorist and paramilitary groups are causing the greatest environmental devastation ever seen in the world. It draws attention, that the organizations that must denounce these facts, are not doing. Because of this, we wrote to Greenpeace, WWF and Nat Geo Society to carry out a campaign in print media to denounce this disaster, however, we received no response. It seems that their political agendas are more important than the main role played by these foundations. Now we want to call the attention of these bodies and ask why they are not acting. Nativa, a small endogenous foundation of the affected area, made up of skilled professional aborigines, was concerned about drawing attention to The big NGOs and the denunciation.

En Venezuela estamos muy preocupados por lo que está sucediendo en nuestro Arco Minero en el Edo. Bolívar, un área Patrimonio Mundial de 
la UNESCO. En la actualidad, los movimientos mineros ilegales conformados por grupos terroristas y paramilitares están causando la mayor devastación ambiental jamás vista en el mundo. Llama la atención, que las organizaciones que deberían denunciar estos hechos, no lo están haciendo. Debido a esto, escribimos a Greenpeace, WWF y Nat Geo Society para llevar a cabo una campaña en medios impresos para denunciar este desastre, sin embargo, no recibimos respuesta alguna. Parece que sus agendas políticas, son más importante que el papel principal que desempeñan estas fundaciones. Ahora queremos llamar la atención de estos organismos y preguntarles por qué no están actuando. Nativo, una pequeña fundación endógena de la zona afectada, conformada por aborígenes profesionales calificados, se preocupó por llamar la atención sobre 
las grandes ONGs y realizó la denuncia.
