Carolina Muñoz's profile


Library for the Faculty of Architecture.
Córdoba, Argentina.

This academic project focuses on the interior design and furnishing of a library within the existing North Building of the Faculty of Architecture in Córdoba, Argentina. The proposal encompasses various areas, including reception, lockers, group workspaces, individual reading zones, relaxed reading areas, a media center, a storage facility, and numerous bookshelves in each designated space.
To optimize the double-height existing space, it was decided to capitalize on this height by creating an upper floor that houses the media center and individual reading, simultaneously generating a more contained and focalized space on the ground floor. This decision also led to the creation of staircases connecting these spaces, one directly to the media center near the entrance and the main staircase serving multiple functions, not being limited to accessing the upper floor.
The library's layout considers areas that may generate more noise, such as group workspaces, positioning them in relation to the exterior patio. Quiet zones for individual activities are located towards the center of this section of the building.
In the pursuit of a dynamic and efficient space, efforts were made to redefine the roles of certain areas and challenge the traditional concept of a silent library. Changes in the use of the staircase towards the upper floor were implemented to accommodate relaxed reading and even function as a small auditorium for presentations.
Given that the existing building is entirely constructed with reinforced concrete, cement-smoothed floors and ceilings, and glass openings, creating an overall gray and cool environment, a substantial amount of wood was incorporated into the library's design to add warmth and create contrast between the existing space and the new design. Wood was used for shelves, tables, the main staircase, and the upper floor's flooring. To inject color and vibrancy into the setting, green cushions, bean bags, and chairs were introduced. The furniture's structure was predominantly crafted from iron to ensure durability in this bustling space, creating fixed and movable shelves, that were designed to maximize storage efficiency, meeting the required linear footage of bookshelves for the library.
This academic endeavor aimed to transform an existing space into a dynamic and functional library. By leveraging the double-height structure, strategic design decisions were made to introduce an upper floor, enhancing the spatial layout and creating a more immersive environment. The careful selection of materials, including the prominent use of wood to counterbalance the building's concrete aesthetics, contributes to a warm and inviting atmosphere. The flexible design, reimagining the traditional role of library spaces, ensures adaptability and encourages diverse interactions within the library. Overall, this project not only meets the functional requirements of a modern library but also strives to inspire creativity, collaboration, and a vibrant learning atmosphere for the academic community.
Project Completion Date: 2016
Undertaken during the Equipamiento B course at FAUD - UNC.

This library project was a collaborative effort conducted with Arch. Kopusar Jerica and Arch. Tossolini Ana Clara, and garnered well-deserved recognition and was prominently showcased in an exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture of the National University of Córdoba. The project's innovative approach earned it acclaim, positioning it as a standout example within the academic community.
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