Alexa Verroi's profile

CNN Qualities & Characteristics Installation

CNN Qualities & Characteristics 
The original ask of this request was to create something to share characteristics we want to have at CNN. If you don't know this already I am an over-achiever. I saw an opportunity. The characteristics were great but how would we truly get employees to connect to that vision. How would we inspire them to be more?

I voiced these concerns to leadership and they agreed and said, 'Make it happen'. So here's what we did...
All the bubbles were quickly filled up, which was awesome! This led opened up a lot of great conversations and grew excitement. Eventually I had to give the wall back. But don't fear! The bubbles are still in use as motivational blurbs randomly around the office ;) 
CNN Qualities & Characteristics Installation

CNN Qualities & Characteristics Installation

CNN interactive installation to get team buy-in on qualities and characteristics.
