Screaming Sans Serif and Serif A's
This project's goal is to teach graphic design to the general audience. I've decided to focus on the category of typography and teach the two basics types of typefacesー sans serif and serif. For the Screaming A figures I used Super Sculpey and acrylic paint. The toy box includes a poster that gives you facts and history about sans serif and serif type.
Toy Brand Logo
Influenced greatly by the kidrobot toy boxes, I couldn't help myself from coming up with a ficitonal toy brand to go on packaging. The geometric shapes on the right make up a shape of a heart but also are abstract forms of the intials "L" and "B" from "Little Big Toys". 
Screaming A's

Screaming A's

This is a collectables figurines to teach non-designers the two main group of typography-- sans serif and serif.
