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Jakarta Street Food

Jakarta Street Food
Banana Gapit
Have you been to Balikpapan? Or intend to travel to Balikpapan in the near future? If so, you need to try one of the typical East Kalimantan culinary named Banana Gapit. Unique foods made from kepok bananas (sanggar banana once East Kalimantan people call it).
Sausage Martabak
 This dish ticks both the sweet and savory boxes, given that you can choose to have it filled with ground meat (normally chicken but you can also find beef and venison fillings) and onions or bitter chocolate sprinkles and condensed milk. Tracing back to an Indian heritage, this Javanese pancake is made with beaten eggs stretched over a hot plate and folded over your chosen filling, like a whisper-thin calzone or a wedge of Victoria Sponge, palate depending.
Batagor Cinta
(an acronym of fried tofu meatballs) (Raw Sundanese script) is a typical Bandung snack that adapts the Chinese-Indonesian style and is now known in almost all parts of Indonesia.

Jakarta Street Food

Jakarta Street Food


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