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Craigslist mobile app

Craigslist Mobile App Design

The idea was to design a mobile app for Craigslist which is clutter-free, clean, intuitive and straightforward interface.My goal was to update the visual design to make it more aesthetically pleasing, functional for desktop and mobile users, improve navigation and overall have a cleaner design.

Project Brief:
This project explores and reimagines the functionality as well as the visual aesthetic of the popular personal advertising website’s mobile app. Through analyzing the site’s information architecture and by testing various user journeys within their application, I was able to identify many different pain points that the user may face. With these challenges in mind, I designed an alternate version of the application that aims to be both more intuitive, and more visually pleasing than its current design.

Over the years, Craigslist has become a top-rated website for classified advertisements. It is a platform to get better and cheaper stuff, but it still has no official mobile app. The site seems a bit cluttered and extremely disorganized which sometimes makes it difficult for users to use it efficiently.

A well-designed mobile app can help users to perform their tasks quickly and efficiently. Provides related categories to users and to incorporate everything from the website to the app. Provide the user with intuitive navigations, notifications, and alerts.
Craigslist mobile app was a group project of 3 people. The idea was to design a Mobile app for Craigslist which is a clutter-free, clean, intuitive and straightforward interface.

Research & Findings

I started talking to people around me. As it is one of the common problems in the Bay Area, I found a lot of people suffering from this problem. I also did an online survey to understand the situation, cause of the problem and what helps the user in such cases.

Observation and Insight:
My research led me to conclude that Craigslist's Website is overwhelming and challenging to navigate. The main feature of the website "Post Ad" is almost invisible on the main page. For new users, no navigation menu appears consistently throughout the site. The content needs to be well organized in terms of structure and navigation. The design of the website lacks visual appeal.
Information Architecture
A simple Information Architecture helped me to understand how a user will navigate through the mobile app.

Site Map

A site map is a model of a website's content designed to help both users and search engines navigate the site.​​​​​​​

Wireframe 1&2

Wireframe 3

From the preliminary workflow, and wireframes I made new a design. I talked to people to understand the problems they face while using the Craigslist website and what they want to see in a mobile app. The idea was to get insight into users, the most significant challenges and needs. I made a few visual improvements and introduced a new "Set Alert" feature for the users.

Final Screens

1. The easier you make it for people to find information, the more information-seeking behavior they will engage in.
Break information in chunks.
Keep simple flows with visible elements.
Make interaction delightful and to communicate.

Craigslist mobile app

Craigslist mobile app
