A Baralla Galega é un xogo de cartas que versiona a baralla tradicional española para ilustrar parte da cultura galega cun tono humorístico.

   Baralla galega is a card game based on the traditional Spanish playing cards. It shows a piece of the Galician culture, with a humorous approach.

    A vieira, a cunca de viño, o fouciño e o pemento de Padrón son os catro elementos representativos da cultura popular que conforman os catro paos do xogo. As figuras rompen a xerarquía masculina da baralla tradicional e introducen á meiga (personaxe da mitoloxía popular), a vaca rubia galega e a gaiteira.

    Four Galician traditional elements are the new four decks. The figures establish a new order changing the traditional masculine hierarchy. The witch, the cow and the piper are the new characters of the game.

    O resultado son 40 debuxos persoais recollidos nunha baralla que admite os modos de xogo clásicos e permite descubrir a cultura popular galega

    The product are 40 ilustrated cards that can be played in a traditional way but discovering this amazing culture. 

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VENTA ONLINE CONTACTO A : jandro.mosquera@gmail.com
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Baralla Galega

Baralla Galega

Baralla galega is a card game based on the traditional Spanish playing cards. It shows a piece of the Galician culture, with a humorous approach.


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