LinkedIn Screens Projects
In Udemy's Interface Design course ( the challenge of creating 3 new screens for the LinkedIn application was proposed, starting with the sketch, creating the wireframe, icons and finally the UI of the Screens.
I do this screens to Android app and my inspiration is the iPhone application. I tried  to make the interface more cleaner and friendlier by choosing and making a few different icons, which I believed made more sense (like the recognition icon, which every time I clicked I could not imagine what it meant).
This time, I tried to create my own icons and I think it worked. These are the icons that I was able to do: 
The others icons, I using FlatIcons again.
Credits:  Icons made by Freepik from
The login screen has a gradient because I wanted to keep the colours that are already use, for being something that I like. But I decided to put the text fields in the initial screen, to facilitate the login process.
In the Feed Screen, I have placed side margins and kept only the icons in the publications because I believe that it is only enough for the user to understand what is the function of each one.
In the Publication Screen, I wanted to use a placeholder that LinkedIn uses on their website, because I think it expresses better and still give a hint how to quote someone. One of the main changes is the recognition icon, for finding that medal does not match this meaning.
LinkedIn Screens

LinkedIn Screens

Study done for the Udemy Interface Design course for the purpose of redesigning 3 LinkedIn screens in order to learn and apply UX and UI concepts Read More
