WhatsApp Screens Project
In Udemy's Interface Design course (https://www.udemy.com/design-de-interface/) the challenge of creating 3 new screens for the WhatsApp application was proposed, starting with the sketch, creating the wireframe, icons and finally the UI of the Screens.
Using the Telegram app for Android as inspiration, I opted to use tabs for the top menu. For sending messages and accessing the camera, I inserted a plus menu to make the interface cleaner.
For the search screen, I used the model that we have on the telegram today, because it shows the last people with whom we talked and made a phone call.
I chose to keep the color pattern, using the library provided on WhatsApp's own website.
High fidelity screens:
In this project, I didn't create my own icons because I didn't have enough confidence. So, I used FlatIcon to help me with those tasks.

Credits: All the Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
WhatsApp Screens

WhatsApp Screens

Estudo feito para o curso de Design de Interface da Udemy com a finalidade de redesenhar 3 telas do WhatsApp afim de aprendizado e aplicação de c Read More
