Frank DeGiacomo's profile

Marine Life Watercolor

Marine Life Watercolors
As a scuba diver and artist, I like to paint what I see on my dives with watercolors. I think it is the best medium to capture the underwater beauty of the ocean and its amazing marine life. 

Scuba diving is one of my favorite hobbies because I get to explore another world - soar over coral reefs, swim with sharks, and spot frogfish (one of my favorites)   I have painted a few of my favorites below and are continuing to paint more. Stay tuned!
Stoplight Parrotfish
Green Sea Turtle
Lagoon Triggerfish ( humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa)
Flame Angelfish
Money Cowrie
Please let me know what you think in the comments below.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have.
Marine Life Watercolor

Marine Life Watercolor

Watercolor pieces of marine life I have seen on my scuba dives. Enjoy!
