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Eaux Transitoire

Former D&AD Brief
Re-envisage the L’Artisan Parfumeur brand by creating a design solution for a new unisex range of scents based around bottled emotions which break the rules of conventional perfume packaging.
The ‘Eaux Transitoire’ (Transcient Waters) concept is based on the idea that moods are ever changing. Like water, under different conditions it can be transformed into different states. The collection forms a cycle, acting as a barometer of emotions.
Fumeé (Steam)
Scent A: Passion and desire. Sex and lust. Raw and physical.
Pétiller (Bubbles)
Scent B: Perfect, sublime love. An interior emotion.
Frisson (Chill/Thrill)
Scent C: Excitement and fear. Adrenaline, exhilaration and thrill.
Tempête (Stormy - Eye of the Storm)
Scent D: Elegant and dignified. Stormy yet still.
Perfume Box Design and Perfume Testing Cards
Aperture Nozzle Design
An innovative feature of the perfume bottle design is the aperture style nozzle, which allows the individual to alter the intensity of the fragrance to reflect their mood. This reinforces the concept with the aperture allowing the user to choose different quantities, exposing the skin to different concentrations of the scent and subsequently the associated emotion.
Eaux Transitoire

Eaux Transitoire

Re-envisage the L’Artisan Parfumeur brand for the 21st Century by creating a design solution for a new unisex range of scents. Showcase the range Read More
