The aim of this project was to in firstly, build a 3-dimensional alphabetical character, photograph the letter in an urban environment, and to then integrate the photograph, or parts thereof, in a poster for the Typographics festival 2018 (fictional). 

Part of the challenge was also to solve the visuals of the poster in the way the typography artist of my choice, Marian Bantjes, would have treated the project.
Typography Project: PART 1
        Building the 3D letter.
My concept was to build a ‘3-way’ sculpture where the letter could only be seen from certain angles. The letter I chose to build was the lowercase ‘h’. The idea was to have it look like fine china to represent my love for tea. 

Materials used: 
- cardboard
- hot glue
- eggshell enamel
- acrylic paint

Typography Project: PART 2
        Designing the poster
I chose to place close-ups of the painted letters behind ‘cross-stitches’ to communicate Bantjes’ reference to textiles. The text is also integrated in these cross-stitches to reinforce the concept.

Take note: This is a student project
Typographics 2018


Typographics 2018
