
The war and the psychological disorders outcome of it is a disease of this unnatural generation with all its events, unsafe with all its risks. Lots of painful and horrible memories from total destruction of the place and human, are buried beneath the memory has created for us a condition of hallucination and thus created fear, concern, anxiety, and stress without the realization of the scours of fear, it follows us wherever  we are. We became being afraid of everything.
My graduation project titled as (Phobia), is freezing an emotional overlapping moment in a single time that studies the psychological remnants, movement, and color through three Oil painting, I embodied myself in each of these three paintings from various perspectives (corners), as a result, gives a full view about the content of the shivering and stunning in the expressions of the faces and their body language using the style of the futurism school. Gray colors triggers in us feelings of distortion and stress from certain situations when they occur or just one thinking about them, in this fuzzy world and monstrous future makes us wonder what's next???.



Phobia, Oil on Canvas, 200x150cm, 180x150cm, 180x150cm
