For a school assignment 
- to get rid of negative perceptions Singaporeans have on local books 

- to reintroduce a whole new light to local books by making them aware of the different genres local books actually have 
- which is to introduce the radical part of local books which Singaporeans would find to be unexpected 


1) book festival 
    - showcase to the public that local books are not rigid and can have many faces to it

2) e-book reading app
    - to promote constant reading with unexpected surprises in it 

3) microsite
    - to lead on interested audiences the details of the festival 

Welcome to Project RAD !!!
^ poster drafts 
^ final posters - each for every book introduced
^ website to lead on consumers 
^ merchandise for different price points spent
^ other festival miscellaneous products 
^ reading app screens & its features - more details below 
^ an instagram ad gif
^ info boards for more details  
I hope you have enjoyed ! Thank you ! 
Project RAD

Project RAD

A book festival to change negative perceptions Singaporeans have on local books.
