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United Way 75th Anniversary Campaign

The objective of this project was to create an anniversary logo for the United Way of Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington in celebration of their 75th anniversary.

The anniversary logo was to appear as the main logo for the United Way KFL&A for their 75th year. Although the anniversary logo would appear on all promotional materials it also needed to work cohesively with the main United Way KFL&A corporate identity.When designing the 75th anniversary logo I wanted to play off the existing elements of the United Way logo and link them together as a unit.

I used the ring elements from the original United Way logo to create the bowl of the five and give a subtle nod to the original logo. Using the United Way corporate font and colours also helped to tie everything together.

For the 75th anniversary the United Way wanted to create an annual report that incorporated the 75th anniversary logo. For this project I used the concept of a year book that was reflective of the work the United Way has undertaken in the Kingston community over their 75 year history. I collected images and materials from the United Way’s archives. I visited the Queen’s University archives to find images that reflected Kingston since the United Way commenced. I juxtaposed images from the past and the present to give a sense of the United Way’s history covering the past 75 years.

On the display and promotional materials I used the 75 from the anniversary logo as a graphic element to design patterns and watermarks. This design made for a motif effect and was simple but eye catching and still works well with other United Way materials.

United Way 75th Anniversary Campaign

United Way 75th Anniversary Campaign

Created at BmDodo Strategic Design.
