PhD Colloquia 2019
PhD Colloquia is an event organized by the University of Trento - CIBIO where speakers are invited
to talk about some research issues.
This year the topic is cancer research and the speakers are six who come from all over the world.
My contribute in this very important moment was making some fresh and modern clothes for the graphics.

/ Illustrations. 
I did the portrait of the speaker with illustration with an effect of pencil. 
I think it will be easy for everyone see the researcher as a normal person but with a kind of superpowers. 

/ Artworks. 
And then I did the different artworks for the event.
1. The most important is the poster where people can read the name of researcher and the field of specialization. The dates, the hours, the place. A kind of a sum up of the events's days.
Even the poster is a summary of the specific talk with a small abstract of the theme and information about the speaker and the place.

2. The flyers are also important because is a piece of paper which stay all day with the guest of the event. It has a front and a back: in the front there is the face of the speaker and the name. In the back it has a small abstract of the speach and also all the sponsors. 
3. For the social I did the cover of the event in Facebook
4. For the invites I did a kind of mail list invite using the same graphic line.

1a. Poster
1b. Poster
2. Flyers
3. Social
4. Invite
I also designed the version of the artwork with the Cibio's colors. 
1. Poster
1b. Poster
2. Flyers
3. Social
4. Invite 
Thanks for watching and support research! 
PhD Colloquia 2019


PhD Colloquia 2019
