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Art Capital 2019 - Old and New Dreams

Art Capital, Old and New Dreams
Hungarian Contemporary Art Festival

Art Capital is the greatest visual art festival of Central-Eastern Europe, which was held in 2019 in Szentendre for the fourth time. This year’s festival is entitled Old and New Dreams. Nineteen thematically linked exhibitions and fifty-two related programs await visitors in the downtown of Szentendre. The graphic design reflect this year's Old and New Dreams theme, which focuses on the mysterious deep state we experience.

May. 25. –  Sept. 1. 2019.Chief curator: Gábor Gulyás
Curators: Bodonyi Emőke, Boros Lili, Bettina Busse, Eged Dalma, Iberhalt Zsuzsa, Kigyós Fruzsina, Muladi Brigitta, Peter Noever, Schneller János, Szabó Noémi, Szilágyi Zsófia Júlia

Lead designer: Agnes Herr
Graphic Design: Noémi Krisztina Kiss

Photo: Balázs Deim

Featured Artists: Ámos Imre, Anna Margit, Babos Zsili, Bálint Endre, Bán Béla, Barabás Lőrinc, Barta Lajos, Boros Viola, Böhm Lipót, Brassaï, Csernus Tibor, Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar, Csurka Eszter, Farkas István, Fekete Nagy Béla, Florin Ştefan,  Forgács Péter, Gadányi Jenő, Gulácsy Lajos, Gyarmathy Tihamér, Hajdu Etienne, Halász Péter Tamás, Hantaï Simon,  Hugyecsek Balázs, Jakovits József, Kallos Pál, Kandó Gyula, Dmitrij Kavarga, Kolozsváry Zsigmond, Korniss Dezső, Lantos Ferenc, Lossonczy Tamás, Major János, Marosán Gyula, Martinszky János, Marton Ervin, Martyn Ferenc, Musa (Lukáš Musil), Nagy Barbara, Nagy Kriszta x-T, Nemes Endre, Henri Nouveau, Ország Lili, Prinner Anton, Reigl Judit, Román György, Rozsda Endre, Eva Schlegel, Sikuta Gusztáv, Szabó József, Szántó Piroska, Szenes Árpád, Szóbel Géza, Vajda Júlia, Vajda Lajos, Verebes Andrea, Vilt Tibor, Zemplényi Magda 
Idios Kosmos
Dream is art’s accomplice. We are all artists in our dreams: at such times, unusual, often symbolic images arise, along with surprising stories and exciting associations, which relate to the world that we experience while awake in an autonomous manner. The images of our dreams show conspicuous similarities with works of art. “The dream is World, the world is Dream,” wrote Novalis.

Novalis: Heinrich von Ofterdingen (John Owen’s translation). Cambridge: John Owen, 1842, 195.

Art Capital 2019 - Old and New Dreams

Art Capital 2019 - Old and New Dreams

Art Capital, Old and New Dreams Hungarian Contemporary Art Festival Art Capital is the greatest visual art festival of Central-Eastern Europe, w Read More
